Bonnie Daniels from
Roslyn Heights, NY on Jul 2, 2013
I have to agree. Subway is not a good restaurant. Of course, everyone should know that by now. Then again, somehow Subway still manages to survive. I expect the only patrons are nearby corporate workers on their lunch breaks who can't afford/spend the time to get anything better. Oh well.

E Marks from
Roslyn Heights, NY on Apr 30, 2013
I swear this place has actually declined with time, and that's pretty bad when I consider how bad it was to begin with. I was not a big fan of Subway when I was younger. I never went there on my own, but I was with someone who just had to have a Subway the other day, and I thought, "What the heck, I am kind of hungry." My sandwich so wasn't worth what I paid for it. It wasn't even a sandwich really, just two pieces of soggy, insubstantial bread with a small slice of ham and a smaller slice of cheese (which I'm not even sure was real cheese), some mayo, and some slightly brown colored lettuce. What a lousy excuse for food! I will go back to avoiding this place. It's amazing some people insist on eating the worst fast food on the planet when there are better fast food options, not to mention, better sandwich options, especially if you're willing to go local.
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