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Yellow Pages » Restaurants » Babylon Yellow Pages » Seabreeze Cafe

470 Fire Island Ave
Babylon, NY 11702
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Tel: (631) 669-9790

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Babylon Restaurants

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More about us: cafe. Our products and services include breakfast, brunch, burgers, cinnamon rolls, lunch, muffins, salads, sandwiches, soups, sunday brunch and tofu dishes.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 669-9790

Visit Website: www.seabreezecafe.com

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 Seabreeze Cafe Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Suzanne A. from West Babylon, NY on Feb 20, 2013
This is a pretty typical small town bar, but with one exception - it doesn't treat you like you're a stranger if you happen to be one. I had just moved into town and wanted to have a drink on a hot day by the water and meet some new people, so I walked into the Seabreeze Cafe. The beer selection wasn't that great, but it was cheap. I met several nice people. I've been to so many small town bars where people just look at you like you're trash if you've never been seen there before. They were really welcoming and friendly at Seabreeze. I'll definitely be back there on one of their live music nights.
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