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More about us: gastroenterlogists, franklin hospital medical center, no. shore university at manhasset, mercy medical center, gastrocare li, uloers - liver disease and swallowing reotal bleedingview website . Our products and services include bloating - gas - heartburn, colon cancer screening, diarrhea - constipation, diet & nutrition counseling, gastroenterologists, hospital affiliations: franklin hospital medical center, hospital affiliations: franklin hospital medical center,, hospital affiliations: franklin hospital medical center, no. shore university at manhasset, mercy medical center, lactose breath tests, lactose breath tests - diarrhea - constipation, laotose breath tests - diarrhea - constipation, modern video endoscopy, no shore university at manhasset mercy medical center, no. shore university at manhasset, mercy medical center, office endoscopy center, painless hemorrhoid treatment, painless hemorrhold treatment, r, rectal bleeding, stomach digestive tract & intestinal diseases, stomach, d, stomach, digestive tract & intestinal diseases, stomach, digestive traot & intestinal diseases, swallowing, ulcers and ulcers - liver disease. Our certifications include board certified gastroenterologist.
Hours: For hours, call (718) 657-2789
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