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Yellow Pages » Martial Arts » East Northport Yellow Pages » Martial Fitness

322 Larkfield Rd
East Northport, NY 11731
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Tel: (631) 266-3768

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Martial Arts

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East Northport Martial Arts

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More about us: our training will give you the building blocks for success, achievement, cooperation, call today!, group & private instruction shoaling kempo karate tai chi chuan mixed martial arts self defense, all ages adults (17+) kids (2-17) family discounts retail professional shop, usa martial arts hall of fame kempo instructor of the year action martial arts magazine excellence in teaching and customizable. Our products and services include adult programs, children's programs, classes separated by age and level of ab, classes separated by age and level of ability, confidence, contract classes, courage, defense, family discounts- no contracts, fitness, group & private instruction, group and private instruction, health and wellness, life skills, men, women, and children, open registration, retail sales, self defense, self defense and safety, seminars, shaolin kempo karate, shaolin kempo karate tal chi ch'uan chi kung, special events and summer camp for children, strength, stress reduction, tai chi ch'uan, trial programs, usa martial arts hall of fame kempo instructor of the year and weapons training. Accepted forms of payment are american express and visa. We prefer to use these brands: focus.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 266-3768

Visit Website: www.martialfitness.com

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