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Yellow Pages » Assisted Living Centers » Rockville Centre Yellow Pages » Maple Pointe Assisted Living

260 Maple Ave Apt 101
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
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Tel: (516) 764-4848

Appears In:
Assisted Living Centers

HyperLocal (NEW):
Rockville Centre Assisted Living Centers

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Our business hours are mon 08:00 am-06:00 pm, tue 08:00 am-06:00 pm, wed 08:00 am-06:00 pm, thu 08:00 am-06:00 pm, fri 08:00 am-06:00 pm, sat 08:00 am-06:00 pm and sun 08:00 am-06:00 pm. Assisting customers in english. Our products and services include 24-hour medical assistance, alzheimer's care, beauty salons & barber shops, climate controlled facilities, consultations, dining rooms, emergency call systems, handicapped accessibility, health monitoring programs, kitchens, laundry services, licensed nurses, meals, medication management, memory impairment, month-to-month rentals, near shopping, room service, social programs and transportation services. We specialize in alzeimer's program, insured and licensed. Accepted forms of payment are american express, credit terms available, mastercard and visa. We offer service in and around residential. Emergency services emergency service available.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 764-4848

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