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Yellow Pages » Restaurants » Lake Grove Yellow Pages » Ihop Restaurant

141 Alexander Ave
Lake Grove, NY 11755
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Tel: (631) 863-1110

Appears In:
American Food

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Lake Grove Restaurants
Lake Grove American Food

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Our business hours are open daily. More about us: come & enjoy a delicious hot breakfast... served all day, lunch specialties include chicken breast, sandwiches, meal size salads, signature sandwiches, dinners include t-bone steaks and fried shrimp & golden chicken. We prefer to use these brands: ihop.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 863-1110

Visit Website: ihop.com

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 Ihop Restaurant Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Lee A from Stony Brook, NY on Jul 24, 2014
I love that this place is open all the time. It seems like it never closes. Which is great since my work hours are really random and sometiems I get out way later than I want to cook, and a lot of other places are closed or crowded by the time I'm ready to sit down for dinner and relax. That's why I'm here so often.
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