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Yellow Pages » Rug Cleaning » Port Washington Yellow Pages » Gold Star Carpet Cleaning

6 3rd Ave
Port Washington, NY 11050
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Tel: (516) 420-8654

Appears In:
Rug Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

HyperLocal (NEW):
Port Washington Rug Cleaning
Port Washington Carpet Cleaning
Port Washington Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

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Our products and services include carpet rug, maintenance and upholstery.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 420-8654

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 Gold Star Carpet Cleaning Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Rebecca Barr from Roslyn, NY on Mar 21, 2013
I spilled pomegranate juice on my white carpet. What a disaster! Nothing seems to stain faster or darker than pomegranate juice. The carpet was new too, so I was fairly freaked out about the prospect of possibly replacing it. That would have been horrible. Ugh! So I called in the carpet cleaners from Gold Star to see if they could salvage it.

How did they do? Pretty well. You can see the stain. But it isn't that dark. I may still cover it up with a rug, but I'm frankly pretty impressed that they managed to make it so light. In low light I don't really notice it.
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