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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Huntington Yellow Pages » Francos MS. Bernadette Marie LCSW

775 Park Ave
Huntington, NY 11743
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Tel: (631) 697-8982

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Huntington Mental Health
Huntington Health & Medical

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More about us: our lives are constantly changing. life is not a static process and change, in fact, is what makes our lives rich and full. however, transition from one stage of life to the next can be full of stress and anxiety. transitions, whether it be going from high school to college, being single to becoming married, getting divorced or becoming a new parent can be exciting times. but change causes uncertainty and uncertainty can cause us to make impulsive decisions, or on the other hand and prevent us from making any kind of decision at all. We specialize in adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adults, anxiety or fears, bisexual clients, depression, divorce, elders (65+), gay clients, gay issues, lesbian clients, lesbian issues, loss or grief, obsessive-compulsive (ocd), relationship issues and transsexual clients.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 697-8982

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