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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Huntington Yellow Pages » Backilman Larry LCSW

775 Park Ave
Huntington, NY 11743
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Tel: (631) 754-8175

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Huntington Mental Health
Huntington Health & Medical

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More about us: i take a collaborative approach to therapy where the client is encouraged to make a journey in search of her authentic self: a self that is free of automatic reactions to unconscious beliefs formed in response to old emotional wounds. my clients are often surprised at how quickly they resolve difficult issues by working through cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt), a rational way of modifying negative core beliefs and changing self-defeating thoughts. i find it very effective to combine cbt with mindfulness meditation and a holistic approach to achieving greater mind/body integration and self-awareness. We specialize in adults, anger management, anxiety or fears, chronic pain or illness, depression, dissociative disorders, elders (65+), impulse control disorders, loss or grief, spirituality, thinking disorders and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 754-8175

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