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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Great Neck Yellow Pages » F MS. Roseanne

1225 Franklin Ave Suite 325
Great Neck, NY 11021
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Tel: (516) 730-6886

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Great Neck Mental Health
Great Neck Health & Medical

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More about us: residential & commercial. servicing long island and queens, ny. we provide weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and one-time cleanings. since our establishment in 1999, next level cleaning services have been living up to its name by continually reaching new heights in the cleaning industry. our goal is to clean to the customer's satisfaction. if you want a screened, experienced, well-trained, reliable, trustworthy and hard-working maid or maids at an affordable price in which you can communicate and build a long lasting business relationship with and then next level cleaning services is the right choice for you!.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 730-6886

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