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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Manhasset Yellow Pages » Pitta DR. Patricia PH.D. ABPP

35 Bonnie Heights Rd
Manhasset, NY 11030
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Tel: (516) 627-3056

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Manhasset Mental Health
Manhasset Health & Medical

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More about us: the journey of life is one filled with joy, happiness, sadness, disappointments, loss and renewal. i feel my goal as a psychologist is to enable a child, adolescent, young adult, and adult find the strength to review life's troubling issues and form new perceptions which enables different outlooks on problems. i feel the only problems in life are situations that can not be resolved. many times the resolutions are not what we thought life would offer us and but that is what we have. We specialize in adhd, adolescents, adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adoption, adults, anxiety or fears, attention deficit (adhd), child or adolescent, child or adolescent issues, children (6 to 10), chronic pain or illness, depression, divorce, eating disorders, elderly persons disorders, elders, elders (65+), infertility, infertility or adoption, life coaching, loss or grief, parenting, ptsd, relationship issues, spirituality and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 627-3056

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