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Yellow Pages » Drug Stores » Sayville Yellow Pages » CVS Pharmacy

270 W Main St
Sayville, NY 11782
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Tel: (631) 244-5752

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Drug Stores

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Sayville Pharmacies
Sayville Drug Stores

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Our business hours are 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: medicaid. Our products and services include allergy medicines, alternative medicines, antibiotics, baby, books, cameras, candles, candy, capsules, chocolates, collectibles, convalescent aids, cosmetics, creams, dental care, diabetic supplies, easy prescription transfers, fertility drugs, film, film & photo labs, first aid supplies, foot care, generic drugs, gifts, greeting cards, groceries, hair care, health aids, health foods, herbal supplements, herbs, identification photos, liquor, magazines, maternity supplies, minerals, nutritional supplements, office supplies, orthopedic supplies, pain management medications, passports, perfume, personal care supplies, photo labs, photo retouching, refills, skin care, smoking cessation drugs, sports medicine supplies, toiletries, toys and vitamins. Accepted forms of payment are we accept over 5 and 000 health plans.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 244-5752

Visit Website: www.cvs.com

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 CVS Pharmacy Reviews   
3 out of 5 stars Neal A Gay from Bayport, NY on Sep 16, 2013
I made the switch to CVS recently from Rite Aid, thinking it would be in vain, but things are going a bit better for me. They are a bit faster with the prescriptions, and I don't have to call them to check up on their progress all the time. Usually they have things ready on the date I am supposed to go and pick them up without me badgering them. It's a lot easier.
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