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Yellow Pages » Health & Medical » Sag Harbor Yellow Pages » Cleary MS. Wendy Walker LCSW

36 Long Island Ave
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
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Tel: (917) 929-6448

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Sag Harbor Mental Health
Sag Harbor Health & Medical

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More about us: are you feeling stuck in your personal or professional life? do you keep repeating unwanted behaviors? you can have the life of your dreams. but first you must be willing to let go of old patterns of thinking and ways of doing things that keep you stuck. through therapy and i work to get you there. We specialize in addiction, addictions or substance abuse, adults, anxiety or fears, certified imago therapist, depression, eating disorders, loss or grief, other, parenting, relationship issues, spirituality and substance abuse.

Hours: For hours, call (917) 929-6448

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