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Yellow Pages » Assisted Living Centers » Massapequa Yellow Pages » Bristal at Massapequa

400 County Line Rd
Massapequa, NY 11758
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Tel: (516) 691-0706

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Assisted Living Centers

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Massapequa Assisted Living Centers

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More about us: what is assisted living? assisted living is for seniors who can live on their own, but for various reasons shouldn't. they dont require the constant medical attention provided by a nursing home, but they may need a helping hand from time-to-time, day or night. according to the assisted living federation of america (alfa), an assisted living residence is defined as follows: a special combination of senior housing, personalized support services and easy access to health care for seniors who need help with bathing, dressing, taking medications and other adls activities of daily living. but for residents of the bristal, assisted living is a whole lot more it means having the freedom to live independently without being left alone. it means sharing time with great new friends, people who really care. more importantly it means making the most of every day and in every way you can. Our products and services include 1 bedroom apartments, 24-hour medical assistance, air conditioning, alzheimer's assisted living, alzheimer's care, apartment suites, art therapy, arts & crafts, assisted living, assisted living referrals, bathing & dressing assistance, beauty salons, beauty salons & barber shops, cable tv, climate controlled facilities, clubhouses, dietary services, dining rooms, emergency call buttons, emergency call systems, exercise programs, fitness centers, geriatric services, handicapped accessibility, health monitoring programs, housekeeping, individual climate controls, kitchens, kosher cuisine, laundry services, libraries, meals, medication assistance, medication management, memory impairment, movie theaters, near hospitals, near shopping, parkinson's care, private apartments, recreation programs, recreation rooms, resort style living, social programs, special diets, supervised exercise programs, transportation services and visitors welcome. We specialize in assisted living residences for seniors. We offer service in and around residential. Our certifications include assisted living federation of america.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 691-0706

Visit Website: www.thebristal.com

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