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Yellow Pages » Discount Stores » Inwood Yellow Pages » 99 Cent Discount Store

581 Burnside Ave
Inwood, NY 11096
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Tel: (516) 239-2097

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Discount Stores

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Inwood Discount Stores

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Our products and services include beverages, books, canned goods, cds, cleaning equipment & supplies, cleaning supplies, clothing, coffee & tea, condiments, dairy, dry goods, food & beverage, general merchandise, gifts, health & beauty aids, home & garden, housewares, kitchenware, paper goods, snacks and toys & games.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 239-2097

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 99 Cent Discount Store Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Kevin E Webb from Woodmere, NY on May 26, 2013
Not a bad local dollar store. I'm pretty sure it isn't part of a chain like the Family Dollar, but I don't really know. Dollar stores always have the same names it seems like, so it's hard to keep track. The owner is really friendly though, I see him here a lot. They have some great deals on useful odds and ends. I have bought socks, batteries, shoe strings, packing tape, and other useful stuff here.
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