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Yellow Pages » Department Stores » Valley Stream Yellow Pages » Target

500 W Sunrise Hwy
Valley Stream, NY 11581
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Tel: (516) 568-9264

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More about us: gift registry through clubwedd and target baby and community support through target's redcard and start something programsview website . Our products and services include accessories, action figures, adhesives, albums, apparel, appliances, art supplies, athletic wear, audio equipment, automobiles, automobiles & trains, baby clothing & accessories, baby registry, backpacking, backpacking, camping & hiking, backpacks, bags, bags & cases, balls, baseball gloves, bath, bath & body products, bathroom accessories, bats, batteries, batting gloves, beach toys, bed, bed & bath, bedding, bedding & linens, bicycles, bicycles & tricycles, bicycling, bike racks, binders, blankets, blocks, bluetooth enabled headsets, bmx bikes, board games, boats, boats & planes, body products, books, books & magazines, boots, bowls, bowls & vases, boys' clothing, breakroom supplies, bridal registry, building sets, building sets & blocks, building supplies, calculators, calendars, camcorders, cameras, candle accessories, candleholders, candles, candles & candle accessories, candles & candleholders, card games, cases, casual shoes, casual wear, cd players, cd players & recorders, cell phones, chargers, children's apparel, china, china & dinnerware, classic & traditional toys, classic games, cleaning supplies, cleats, clocks, comforters, computer equipment, computer paper, computers, computers & computer equipment, containers, cookware, cookware & kitchen appliances, cosmetics, cosmetics & fragrances, court shoes, darts, desktops, digital cameras, dinnerware, disposable cameras, doll clothes, dvd & vcr players, dvd combos, dvd players, dvd players & recorders, dvds, electronics, envelopes, ethnic dolls, exchanges, exercise equipment, fabrics, files, filing systems, filing systems & supplies, film, fishing poles, flat screen tvs, folders, fragrances, frisbees, furniture, game boy advance games, gamecube games, garden, gift cards, gift certificates, gift registry, gift wrap, gifts, gifts & gift wrap, girl dolls, girls' clothing, gloves, golf balls, golf clubs, golf tees, gps, gps systems, handbags, hardware, headphones, headsets, health wellness, helmets, high definition tvs, hiking, home electronics, housewares, in-car navigation, index tabs, invitations, jackets, jeans, jewelry, jewelry & watches, journals, juniors shoes, kiddie pools, kids' sporting goods, kitchen accessories, kitchen appliances, kitchens, kites, knives, labelers, labelers & tabbers, labels, labels & tags, lamps, lamps & lighting, lamps & lights, laptops notebooks, lawn & garden, lcd tvs, lighting, lights, linens, luggage, magazines, mattresses, memory cards, men's clothing, men's shoes, mountain bikes, mounts, music, music & movies, musical instruments, musical instruments & accessories, navigation, nintendo ds games, outdoor clothing, outdoor living, packing supplies, pants, paper clips, paper towels, parts, parts & accessories, party favors, party supplies, pencils, pens, pens & pencils, perfumes, photo albums, physical fitness, picture frames, pillows, ping pong, planes, plates, play structures, playstation 2 games, playstation 3 games, playstation games, pnds, point, point & shoot cameras, pool toys, portable audio, printers, printers & scanners, protective gear, psp games, puzzles, racks, recorders, returns, ride-on toys, riding toys, roller skates, rollerblades, rollerblades & roller skates, rollerblading, rugs, running shoes, sandals, scanners, school supplies, seals, sheets, sheets & blankets, shirts, shoes, shoot cameras, shorts, signal boosters, skateboarding, skateboards, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, sleepwear, small appliances, socks, software, sound systems, sporting goods, squirt guns, stamps, stamps & seals, stereo, stereo & audio equipment, storage systems, stuffed animals, suits, sunglasses, supplies, surround sound systems, sweaters, sweatpants, sweats, sweatshirts, swimwear, tabbers, tags, tape, tees, telephones, televisions, tents, tools, tools & hardware, tops, tops & tees, towels, toys, traditional & classic games, traditional toys, trains, trampolines, tricycles, tripods, tv & video, vacuums, vases, vcr, vcr & dvd combos, vcr players, video cameras, video equipment, video game equipment, walking shoes, watches, water toys, wedding favors, wii games, window coverings, women's apparel, women's clothing, women's shoes, xbox 360 games, xbox games and yo-yos. We prefer to use these brands: acer, acting out, action products, aeromax, aiptek, air hogs, alex, amy coe, apple, aquadoodle, argus, arkon, atlantis, audiovox, averatec, baby alive, baby einstein, barbie, be amazing toys, bell, blue orange toys, bluelife, bratz, breyer, briarpatch, brio, buffalo games, build-a-bear, cabbage patch kids, cadaco, caliber, calico critters, callaway, canon, caron, casio, caterpillar, chicco, cisnet, coby, coleman, compaq, cranium, crayola, creations by you, creative labs, creativity for kids, crocodile creek, curiosity kits, digimax, digital hero, discovery, dunlop, durabook, early years, edge, educational insights, edushape, eeboo, ektelon, emerson, energizer, etch a sketch, etrex, everlast, excalibur, explorer, faber-castell, fine digital, finedrive, firefly mobile, fisher-price, forerunner, fraggle rock, franklin, friendly games, front porch classics, furreal, game development group, garmin, geomag, go tools, gopro, gorilla, gpsmap, great american puzzle, groovy girls, guidecraft, gundam, harley-davidson, hasbro, helix, hexabits, hooked on phonics, hot wheels, hp, huffy, i-play, ifinder, igloo, international playthings, invion, ipaq, ipod, ironman, isaac mizrahi, iway, jabra, jay jay the jet plane, jeva, john deere, jones, k'nex, k's kids, kensington, kettler, kid galaxy, kidkraft, kidz delight, kodak, kool toyz, kyocera, lamaze, leapfrog, learning resources, leatherman, lego, lexmark, lg, lifelike, lincoln logs, lite brite, little tikes, littlest pet shop, liz lange, lowrance, lp rhythmix, madame alexander, magellan, magnetix, magpix, master replicas, mattel, mega bloks, memorex, michael graves, mighty world, mobiblu, mongoose, mossimo, motorola, national geographic, navman, nerf, nextel, nexus, nikon, nokia, norcent, northgate, ohio art, olympus, only hearts club, optio, our generation, out of the box, overbreak, pacific rim, paint by number, panasonic, papo, parents, parrot, peg perego, pentax, perfect petzzz, pets fashion, plantronics, play wonder, play-doh, playhut, playmates, playmobil, playskool, polaroid, pressman, pulsar, quercetti, radica, radio flyer, rand mcnally, ravensburger, rawlings, rc2, reeve, reeve and jones, rider, rino, ryan's room, samsung, sandisk, sansa, sanyo, sassy, schleich, schwinn, schylling, science wiz, scosche, sean conway, seecode, sima, simply shabby chic, skullduggery, slice, small world toys, smartlab, smithsonian, sonia kashuk, sonocaddie, sonostar, sony, spalding, spin master, step 2, steve irwin, summit, swell by cynthia rowley and ilene rozenzweig, swiss army, switchback, taggies, target, teddy ruxpin, the bead shop, thinkfun, thomas o'brien, tiny love, tomtom, tonka, toshiba, trading spaces, transformers, twinhead, uncle milton, university games, v.smile, vivitar, voya, vtech, wham-o, wherifone, wherify, wild planet, wilson, wood 'n things, woodkins, woodstock, worldnav, xentris, yakima, yomega, young scientist club, zapf creation, zobmondo and zt group.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 568-9264

Visit Website: www.target.com

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