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Yellow Pages » Women's Clothing » Lindenhurst Yellow Pages » You Knit IT

293 W Lido Promenade
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
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Tel: (631) 671-5762

Appears In:
Women's Clothing

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Lindenhurst Women's Clothing

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More about us: beautiful creations made by the old fashion way machines just for women made in europe. jackets, cardigans, dresses, boleros, blouses one size in many colors give a classy and sexy look to the women all day long. clothing for work, night out and and all daily activities that keeps the body warm. Our products and services include blouses, boleros, buys under order via email, cardigans, dresses, jackets, on line store and ponchos. Emergency services emergency service.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 671-5762

Visit Website: www.youknitit.net

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 You Knit IT Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Brenda A from Amityville, NY on Jun 23, 2014
I adore shopping here. They have the most beautiful designs, and I love that everything is made by hand. I always try to buy handmade when I can. I like knowing my clothing wasn't made in a huge factory. The quality is so much better and I don't mind paying more at all. You can really tell the difference!
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