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Yellow Pages » Doctors » Garden City Yellow Pages » Womens Health Care-Garden City

1000 Franklin Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
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Tel: (516) 222-8883

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Garden City Doctors

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More about us: providing comprehensive primary care for today's women, women's health care of garden city, specializing in patient communication education & support, board certified obstetrics/gynecology, medical director, patient advocate, related to-adolescent gynecology, high risk pregnancy, vulvae pain, treatment of pms, pelvic pain, wholistic health care, post-partum emotional problems and emotional issues after miscarriage. Our products and services include infertility and menopause. We specialize in obstetrics & gynecology child birth & female repro system, menopause, vulva, pms and infertility.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 222-8883

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