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Yellow Pages » Plumbers » Merrick Yellow Pages » William Ram Plumbing & Heating INC

174 Merrick Rd
Merrick, NY 11566
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Tel: (516) 377-1404

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Our business hours are 24 hours service. More about us: specializing in, permits, legalizations for co's and roto-rooter services. Our products and services include 24 hour service numbers, 24-hour emergency service, a, appliance hook-ups, au, automatic sprinklers, backflow prevention - device installation, baseboard & radiators, boilers, boilers & hot water heaters, connections, construction, conversions, faucet, toilet, shower, tub, and sink repairs installations, frozen pipes, gas conversions, grease trap, hook ups, installations, kitchen & baths, licensed and insured, new construction, oil to gas conversions, pool heater installation & direct vent fireplace, radiant heat, radiant heating, radiators, remodeling, renovations, repairs, replacements, residential- commercial- industrial, sewer repair & replacement, specializing in, specializing in:, sump pumps, water heaters and water main repair installation. We specialize in bathrooms, faucets, kitchens, showers, sinks and toilets. Our certifications include insured and licensed.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 377-1404

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