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Yellow Pages » Hardware & Lumber » Greenport Yellow Pages » White's Hardware

120 Main St
Greenport, NY 11944
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Tel: (631) 477-0317

Appears In:
Home & Hardware Stores
Hardware & Lumber

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Greenport Home & Hardware Stores
Greenport Hardware & Lumber

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More about us: a stroke of brilliance. tmview website . Our products and services include brushes, cutlery, drop cloths, exterior paint, hardware, interior paint, latex paint, marine equipment, paint removers, paint samples, paints, rollers, supplies, tools, tools-hardware-cutlery and varnishes. We prefer to use these brands: benjamin moore, benjamin moore paint's z- spar marine paints, benjamin moore paints, white's and z-spar marine paints.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 477-0317

Visit Website: www.whiteshardware.com

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 White's Hardware Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Ken Lorry from Greenport, NY on Sep 24, 2012
If you need some good quality paints for your interior rooms, then White's Hardware is your ideal place to be. I went and bought some extra sensitive paints for my kitchen and bathroom, as the previous ones had given me a hard time. They were helpful and gave me some instructions about the application of the paints and the maintenance. They are good so far, no problem has come up yet!
5 out of 5 stars A Simmons from New Suffolk, NY on Sep 13, 2012
Whenever I need something related to home improvement I head over to Whites Hardware, I'm bound to find what I need to finish the project I'm currently working on, and the service beats what I would get at one of those big box stores.
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