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Yellow Pages » Chiropractors » Center Moriches Yellow Pages » Whitaker Chiropractic Center

247 Main St
Center Moriches, NY 11934
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Tel: (631) 878-6262

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Center Moriches Chiropractors

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Our business hours are hours by appointment. More about us: landmark healthcare, mdny, medicare and vytra. Our products and services include 1 headache, 2 stiffness of neck, 3 pain between shoulders, 4 painful joints, 5 backache, 6 pain in arms or legs, 7 numbness in hands or feet, acupressure, acupuncture, complete x-rays on premises, consultations, family practice, gentle technique, gentle treatments, health, stress reduction therapies, that indicate spinal subluxation and pressure on vital nerves., wellness treatments and whitaker chiropractic center acupuncture herbalist. We specialize in aches, allergies, arm pain, asthma, back, chronic pain, depression, headaches, joint pain, migraines, numbness, pains and subluxation. Accepted forms of payment are all major cards, american express, island group, landmark, mastercard, no fault, workers' compensdation, major medical and family plans and visa. We prefer to use these brands: gentle treatment and wellness. Our certifications include back & neck pain.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 878-6262

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