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Yellow Pages » Florists » Hauppauge Yellow Pages » Violets' Florists & Gifts

160 Adams Ave
Hauppauge, NY 11788
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Tel: (631) 434-4848

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Hauppauge Florists

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More about us: award winning designers, the corporate florist of choice, specializing in holland & exotics, dried & silk fruit & gourmet baskets, plush, fine and fun & executive gifts. Our products and services include dried flowers, exotics & tropicals, food & fruit baskets, gift baskets, gourmet baskets, holland flowers, plush toys, residential services and silk flowers.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 434-4848

Visit Website: www.violetsflorist.com

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 Violets' Florists & Gifts Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Arlene H from Farmingville, NY on Nov 28, 2012
Flowers are one of the best things you can give a woman if you have no idea what else to give her. This seems to be the case almost universally. I've never been a big flower girl myself, but everyone in my family loves flowers, so it's perfect when I can't think of a mother's day gift or a birthday present for a niece or a cousin.
5 out of 5 stars Gail E Cunningham from Farmingville, NY on Aug 31, 2012
I wanted to get my girlfriend a bouquet for our anniversary, but she doesn't like live flowers, because she says they just die a week later and that it's a waste. So I thought maybe I could find her some nice silk flowers. Violet's Florists is a really good store with a wide selection. I do like fresh flowers, so I liked their selection. They also carried some really beautiful silk flowers which look almost like the real thing. So I bought my girlfriend a silk bouquet that will never die - kind of like the wonderful relationship we share!
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