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Yellow Pages » Photographers » Bohemia Yellow Pages » Video GUYS Photography & Videography

936 Kahle St
Bohemia, NY 11716
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Tel: (631) 563-7695

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Photo Supplies & Equipment

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Bohemia Photo Supplies & Equipment
Bohemia Photographers

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Our business hours are 24 hours 7 days, wednesday through saturday, saturday & sunday weekends, 24 hours service, tuesday through saturday, 24 hours a day, mon-sat, 7 days a week daily everyday, 24 hours 7 days, saturday & sunday weekends, tuesday through saturday, 7 days a week daily everyday, weekday thru sunday, wednesday through saturday, open saturdays, weekday thru sunday, 7 days a week daily everyday, 24 hours service, wednesday through saturday, saturday & sunday weekends, mon-sat, 24 hours service, saturday & sunday weekends, thursday through saturday, thursday through saturday, saturday & sunday weekends, 6 days a week, 7 days a week daily everyday, mon-fri weekdays, 7 days a week daily everyday, 7 days a week daily everyday, 7 days a week daily everyday, closed mondays, open saturdays, saturday & sunday weekends, weekday thru sunday, open saturdays, weekday thru sunday, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week daily everyday, wednesday through saturday, 24 hours a day, weekday thru sunday, 6 days a week, open saturdays, 7 days a week daily everyday, wednesday through saturday, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, saturday & sunday weekends, open saturdays, 7 days a week daily everyday, closed mondays, wednesday through saturday, mon-sat, 7 days a week daily everyday, 24 hours a day, mon-sat, 7 days a week daily everyday, saturday & sunday weekends, saturday & sunday weekends, wednesday through saturday, 24 hours a day, open sundays, open saturdays, weekday thru sunday, mon-sat, thursday through saturday, 24 hours a day, 24 hours service, open sundays, open saturdays, weekday thru sunday and 7 days a week daily everyday. Accepted forms of payment are others.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 563-7695

Visit Website: www.photovideoguys.com

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 Video GUYS Photography & Videography Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Lynda O. from Islip Terrace, NY on Dec 24, 2012
When it was time for our special day, my hubby and I (then my fiance of course) hired these guys to come and do our wedding. We loved that they do both photography AND videography. My sister had to hire two separate companies to do her wedding, and it was a pain since they kept getting in each others' way! With the one company, everything was nicely coordinated. There were about four or five guys who handled both aspects, and they did an amazing job with both. I was really happy with the way things came out; they did equally well with the videos and the photos, and they captured every moment at just the right time.
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