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Yellow Pages » Pest Control » Hicksville Yellow Pages » Victor Pest Control Corporation

36 W Village Grn
Hicksville, NY 11801
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Tel: (631) 425-2847

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Pest Control

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Hicksville Pest Control

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More about us: call now!, etc., over 30 years of family experience and serving the massapequa's & vicinityview website . Our products and services include advance termite bait system, all phases of pest control, ants, bees, carpenter, carpenter ants, chemical treatments, etc, fleas, immediate service, immediate service - unmarked cars used, immediate service unmarked cars used, mice, neat, friendly, dependable service, over 30 years of family experience neat, friendly, dependable service, roaches, serving farmingdale, bethpage, plainedge & vicinity, serving hicksville, jericho & vicinity, serving plainview, old bethpage & vicinity, squirrels, termite baiting systems, termite baiting systems chemical treatments, termites, unmarked cars used, wildlife removal and yellow jackets. We prefer to use these brands: advance termite bait system, bees and etc. Our certifications include certified.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 425-2847

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