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Yellow Pages » Cell Phone Service & Repair » Medford Yellow Pages » Verizon Wirless


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Our products and services include additional lines, blocks, bluetooth enabled cell phones, bluetooth enabled headsets, cables, call waiting, camera phones, cases, cell phones, chargers, data communication systems, headsets, home phones, installations, internet, memory cards, mobile installations, multiple service plans, networking, number changes, on-site installations, online services, phone, rentals leasing, repair services, residential services, signal boosters, skins, smartphones, telephones, trade-ins, upgrades, visual entertainment and wireless systems. We prefer to use these brands: audiovox, cdm, env, flex grip, g'zone, jabra, kyocera, lg, motorola, nokia, palm, pantech, plantronics, samsung and verizon wireless.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 205-5555

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