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Yellow Pages » Restaurants » Manhasset Yellow Pages » Tgi Friday's

1445 Northern Blvd
Manhasset, NY 11030
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Tel: (516) 869-9300

Appears In:
American Food

HyperLocal (NEW):
Manhasset Restaurants
Manhasset American Food

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More about us: the original restaurant known for great food & good times. and everyone could use more friday's. Our products and services include open for lunch, dinner and & late night.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 869-9300

Visit Website: tgifridays.com

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 Tgi Friday's Reviews   
3 out of 5 stars Hugh Haynes from Great Neck, NY on Oct 15, 2013
Tasty food here, love their mozzarella sticks, but service can be slow when they get crowded, and it can get so ridiculously crowded at times. You can't hear a conversation at the same table. I'm looking for a different alternative as a result. Checking out some local diners. Hopefully i'll find something I like better soon.
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