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Yellow Pages » Plumbers » Bay Shore Yellow Pages » Suffolk Plumbing & Sewer

1700 Union Blvd
Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Tel: (631) 665-5300

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Bay Shore Plumbers

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Our business hours are 24 hours 7 days. More about us: fast reliable service, you know the price before we start, low low prices and most calls 30 minutes. Our products and services include 24 hr. 7 days, 24 hr. 7 days emergency service, basements pumped, boilers repaired, cellars pumped, clogged sewer drains, clogged sewers & drain electrically cleaned, clogged sewers & drains electrically cleaned, clogged sewers drains, commercial, residential & industrial, complete plumbing & drain cleaning services, complete plumbing and heating services, day or night, emergency service, emergency service 24 hou, emergency service 24 hours 7 days, emergency service 24 hours 7 days please call your local office:, emergency service d24 ho, emergency service d24 hours 7 days, fast 30 minute service, fast reliable service, faucets hot water heaters, leaks fixed, new facets installed, new faucets installed, new hot water heaters, plumbing repairs, see our coupon, serving copiague & vicinity, sewers, showers, sinks, sinks, tubs, showers & toilets, toilets, tubs, we solv, we solve all your plumbing problems!, yard & roof drains electrically cleaned and yard drains. We offer service in and around industrial, residential and commercial. We prefer to use these brands: commercial and residential.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 665-5300

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