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Yellow Pages » Restaurants » Merrick Yellow Pages » Subway Sandwich of Merrick

1820 Merrick Rd
Merrick, NY 11566
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Tel: (516) 223-7630

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Merrick Restaurants

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More about us: delicatessen sandwich shop and fast food. Our products and services include apple pies, baked goods, baked goods & desserts, body wraps, bottled water, catering, children's menu, chips, coffee, cookies, deli platters, desserts, dine in, dinner, drinks, entrees, fax orders, juice, lunch, phone orders, salads, sandwiches, side dishes, snacks, sub sandwiches, subs, take out, tea and tuna. We specialize in birthdays. We prefer to use these brands: subway.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 223-7630

Visit Website: www.subway.com

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