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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Garden City Yellow Pages » Stewart DR. Jason PSYD

111 7th St
Garden City, NY 11530
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Tel: (516) 993-7868

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Garden City Mental Health
Garden City Health & Medical

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More about us: my practice is dedicated to helping people improve their lives. i help clients move past struggles that haven't worked and toward goals that reflect what they value most. there is simply too much living to do to be stopped by fear, anxiety, panic, or depression. i work from the perspective that in order to reach one's goals, it is important to balance efforts for change with willingness to have what cannot be changed. this frees up energy to get closer to what we want, such as intimacy in relationships, professional success, better sports performance and or any other valued actions. We specialize in adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adults, anger management, anxiety or fears, attention deficit (adhd), child or adolescent, children (6 to 10), depression, elders (65+), impulse control disorders, learning disabilities, obsessive-compulsive (ocd), other, parenting, relationship issues, sport psychology and testing and evaluation.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 993-7868

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