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Yellow Pages » Florists » Lawrence Yellow Pages » Stefan's Flowers

301 Central Ave
Lawrence, NY 11559
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Tel: (516) 239-2402

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Lawrence Florists

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Our business hours are 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: same day service and over 45 years of experienceview website . Our products and services include 7 day service, art & design, delivery to hospitals, exotic plants, floral arrangements for any occasion, flowers, fresh cut flowers, gift balloon baskets, party planning, same day service, weddings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs, get well bouquets and funerals.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 239-2402

Visit Website: www.stefansflorist.com

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 Stefan's Flowers Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Leroy O. Eason from Far Rockaway, NY on Oct 14, 2013
I needed flowers to give to my mother and father for their anniversary, and I wanted it to be a really special arrangement. They did a great job putting together something really beautiful for me, fitting on the occasion. The arrangement lasted for a surprisingly long time too. The flowers were in good health, so not only were they beautifully arranged, but the quality was good too. A week after I gave them the arrangement, it was still sitting on the dining room table.
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