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Yellow Pages » Concrete Contractors » Bohemia Yellow Pages » Stardust Concrete Coatings Inc

436 Central Av
Bohemia, NY 11716
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Tel: (631) 567-4763

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Concrete Contractors

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Bohemia Concrete Contractors

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More about us: stardustcoatings corn. Assisting customers in english. Our products and services include asphalt coating, asphalt paving, basement waterproofing, basements, brickwork, cement, concrete, concrete patching, concrete staining, countertops, crack repairs, decorative work, driveways, estimates, fireplaces, floors, foundations, gravel, hardscaping, installation, parking lots, patching, paths & walkways, patios, paving, paving stones, pool decks, protective coatings & sealants, repairs, restoration, resurfacing, retaining walls, sealing, sidewalks, stairs, stamped concrete, textured concrete, wall repair, waterproofing & sealing and waterproofing supplies. Accepted forms of payment are american express, diner's club, discover card, mastercard, money orders, personal checks, visa, licensed, insured and bonded. We offer service in and around industrial, residential and commercial. Our certifications include building trades association and national association of home builders.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 567-4763

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