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Yellow Pages » Restaurants » Bayport Yellow Pages » Starbucks

911 Montauk Hwy
Bayport, NY 11705
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Tel: (631) 472-0151

Appears In:
Coffee Houses

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Bayport Restaurants
Bayport Coffee Houses

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More about us: cafe and coffee shopwifi hotspot (pay)view website . Our products and services include baked goods, black coffee, black tea, blended ice drink, blends, brewers, bulk coffee, chai, coffee, coffee & tea making accessories, coffee beans, comforts provided, cups, decaffeinated, desserts, drinks, espresso, food, gift certificates, green tea, grinders, herbal tea, hot chocolate, internet, juices, milk, mugs, mugs & cups, office coffee, organic tea, red tea, roasts, snacks, syrup flavors, tea, tea making accessories and water. We prefer to use these brands: starbucks.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 472-0151

Visit Website: www.starbucks.com

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