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Yellow Pages » Office Supply » Glen Cove Yellow Pages » Staples

71 School St
Glen Cove, NY 11542
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Tel: (516) 609-8001

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Office Supply

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Glen Cove Office Supply

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Our business hours are mon-fri: 8:00am-9:00pm, sat: 9:00am-9:00pm and sun: 10:00am-6:00pm. More about us: staples is the worlds largest office products company. were committed to making it easy for our customers around the globe to buy a wide range of office supplies, products and technology & furniture. Our products and services include business cards, business services, computer, computers, copiers, copy center, copying, custom designs, custom work, delivery services, digital camera, electronics, fax, faxing, gps, hard drives, ink, laptop, laptops, laser printers, monitors, notebook, office furniture, office paper, office products, office supplies, paper, pick-up & delivery services, printers, printing, printing services, recycling, repair, school supplies, service and toner. We prefer to use these brands: computers, electronics, ink, laptops, monitors, office paper, office products, office supplies, paper, printers and printing.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 609-8001

Visit Website: www.staples.com

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