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Yellow Pages » Dance Studios and Instruction » Sayville Yellow Pages » South Shore Dance Studio

249 W Main St
Sayville, NY 11782
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Tel: (631) 567-1323

Appears In:
Dance Studios and Instruction
Dance Centers & Studios

HyperLocal (NEW):
Sayville Dance Studios and Instruction
Sayville Dance Centers & Studios
Sayville Dance

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More about us: beginner - adult - advanced, comp classes available, tap - ballet - pointe - lyrical - hip hop, acrobatics - jazz - preschool combo, one lesson free to new students and pom - cheer - break danceview website . Our products and services include shoes and special events. We specialize in rhythmic.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 567-1323

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 South Shore Dance Studio Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars elaine from sayville, NY on Mar 12, 2013
we have been part of south shore dance studio for years on and off. great place, with family atmosphere. Owner always makes you feel like family, she even cooks for us!!!! great instruction and its been there in Sayville forever. being there is like being home!!
3 out of 5 stars A Wise from Oakdale, NY on Mar 3, 2013
Is South Shore Dance Studio still here? It seems like it'd be really close to where i live, which would be cool, but when I look on their website, there isn't anything there. It's a parked domain. Looking for some info on this place before I go looking for it in person. I hate driving around not finding stuff.
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