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Yellow Pages » Wallpapering » Franklin Square Yellow Pages » Schillings Franklin Hardware Corporation

922 Hempstead Tpke
Franklin Square, NY 11010
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Tel: (516) 328-7444

Appears In:
Home & Hardware Stores
Hardware & Lumber

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Franklin Square Wallpapering
Franklin Square Home & Hardware Stores
Franklin Square Hardware & Lumber
Franklin Square Paint

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Our business hours are 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: the leader in paint & color. Our products and services include brushes, cleaning supplies, commercial accounts, commercial services, consultations, drop cloths, electrical & plumbing supplies, expert local advice, exterior paint, exterior paints, gift certificates, gift wrapping, home improvement project information, household goods, interior design, interior exterior lighting, interior paint, interior paints, knowledgeable staff, latex paint, lawn & garden supplies, light bulbs, locally owned & operated, online shopping, paint removers, paint samples, paint supplies, paints, phone orders, power & hand tools, product guide, rollers, screen door window repairs and shipping & return services. We prefer to use these brands: benjamin moore, benjamin moore paints, kelly-moore, true value and truevalue.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 328-7444

Visit Website: www.benjaminmoore.com

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