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Yellow Pages » Florists » Sayville Yellow Pages » Sayville Flowers

303 Railroad Ave
Sayville, NY 11782
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Tel: (631) 563-1636

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Sayville Florists

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More about us: sayville houses, large selection of cut flowers and local & worldwide. Assisting customers in english. Our products and services include anniversaries, arrangements, artificial flowers, baby gifts, baby showers, balloon bouquets, balloons, baskets, birthdays, bonsai, boutonnieres & corsages, bridal showers, by appointment, candies, candles & candleholders, carnations, centerpieces, church flower arrangements, corporate accounts, corporate gifts, custom arrangements, decorating, delivery services, exotic flowers, flower arrangements, flowers, fruit, funeral flowers, gift baskets, gifts, gourmet baskets, greeting cards, holiday items, long stemmed roses, miniature roses, mother's day bouquets, novelty & children's bouquets, party decorations, plants, poinsettias, rose bouquets, roses, seasonal blooming plants, silk flower arrangements, silk flowers, spring flowers, stuffed animals, sunflowers, sympathy bouquets, thank you gifts, topiaries, traditional arrangements and tulips. Accepted forms of payment are american express, discover card and visa. We offer service in and around industrial, residential and commercial. Business ownership? female owned. Our certifications include ftd and teleflora.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 563-1636

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