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Yellow Pages » Cleaning Services » Williston Park Yellow Pages » Sally Cleaners

470 Sagamore Ave
Williston Park, NY 11596
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Tel: (516) 746-5042

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Cleaning Services

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Williston Park Cleaning Services
Williston Park Cleaners

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Our products and services include dry cleaning and laundry services.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 746-5042

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 Sally Cleaners Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars UA from Mineola, NY on May 19, 2013
I got really sick a few months ago with an infection and I was wearing a really nice dress at the time--crappy luck really, because it also ruined a perfectly nice evening. I fretted for months because I knew I needed to wash that dress before I could wear it again without risking re-infection, but I didn't want to try washing it myself since it said "dry clean only." Finally one day I was like, "Why am I doing this to myself? I can just take it to the dry cleaners and pay a few dollars and wear my dress again!" This is what I did, and I am really glad I finally bit the bullet and did it. Sally Cleaners is down the street from my house and they were very friendly. They were able to do it while I waited. The fee was only a few bucks.
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