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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Glen Head Yellow Pages » Rubins DR. Marc A

333 Glen Head Rd
Glen Head, NY 11545
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Tel: (516) 671-6225

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Glen Head Mental Health
Glen Head Health & Medical

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More about us: at the back & neck pain center we recognize that your choice of physician is driven both by the doctor's competency and personality. with chiropractic problems, you need a chiropractor who is experienced and understanding and supportive. you get this caring attitude at the back & neck pain center every day. dr. rubins is responsive to your needs and keeps you informed about your health issues. he looks forward to getting to know you. We specialize in adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adults, arthritis, auto/work/sports injuries, back and disc problems, children (6 to 10), diet and nutrition, elders (65+), headache/migraine, muscle aches, neck and shoulder pain, pain management, sports medicine, sprains and strains and wellness/healing/prevention.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 671-6225

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