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Yellow Pages » Plumbers » East Hampton Yellow Pages » Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Drain

14 Harbor View Ln
East Hampton, NY 11937
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Tel: (631) 329-0934

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East Hampton Plumbers

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Our business hours are 24 hours 7 days. More about us: roto-rooter plumbers, no service and no charge. Our products and services include 24 hours 7days, all types, makes & models, ask about our guarantee, backflow certification & repair, backflow prevention, backflow testing, backhoes, basements, bath tubs, bathrooms, boilers, certifications, cesspools septic tanks, clean up services, commercial services, complete cesspool service, complete plumbing & drain service, complete plumbing & drain services, connections, construction, consultations, disposers, do-it-yourself services, downspouts, drain cleaning, drain repair, drain tile, drainage, drainage systems, drainage work, drains, electronic leak detection, emergency service, emergency service 24 hours 7 days, emergency service is our specialty!, estimates, excavation, excavation service, fast emergency service, fast emergency service is our specialty!, faucets, faucets & sinks, fiber optic video cameras, fittings, flood control systems, fully staffed...nights, saturdays, sundays & holidays, fully staffed..nights, saturdays, sundays & holidays, garbage disposals, grease trap cleaning, grease traps, heat pumps, heaters, heating systems, high-velocity water jetting, hook ups, hydro scrubbing, inspection, inspections, installation & digging, installations, leak detection, line cleaning, lines, maintenance services, no hassle guarantees, pipe repair & replaceme, pipe repair & replacement, pipes, plumbing, plumbing repairs, plumbing systems, portable toilets, pump installations, pump repair, pumping, pumping services, pumping, installation, maintenance & repair, pumps, removals, repairs, replacements, residential & commercial, residential services, rooting, roto-rooter, same day repair or installation, septic installations, septic system repairs, septic tank cleaning, septic tank repair, septic tanks, septic tanks pumped, sewage systems, sewer cleaning, sewer drains, sewer jetting, sewer lines & sewer systems, sewer mains, sewer pumps, sewer repair, sewer repair & replacement, sewers, sinks, steam thawing, sump pumps, supplies, tank cleaning, tank installations, testing, tiles, toilets, trenchless, trenchless sewer replacement, vactor storm drains, valves, video camera inspecti, video camera inspections, water heater service & sales, water heaters, water lines, water mains, water systems, well pumps, wells, winterization and your plumbing experts. We specialize in backflow devices, downspouts, dryers, electrical equipment, faucets, grease, grease traps, gutters, kitchens, leaks, showers, sinks, stoppages, tree roots, washers and water pressure problems. Accepted forms of payment are mastercard. We prefer to use these brands: newport and roto-rooter. Our certifications include certified, insured, licensed and registered master plumbers.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 329-0934

Visit Website: www.rotorooter.com

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