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Yellow Pages » Plumbers » Lynbrook Yellow Pages » Root -A-Way Emergency Sewer & Drain Service

288 Broadway
Lynbrook, NY 11563
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Tel: (516) 432-8400

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Our business hours are 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: your problems solved, professionally & efficiently, special care is always taken, to protect your home, floods cleanup, family owned & operated since 1946, our clean cut and courteous uniformed service technicians and are available to serve you 7 days a week and evenings. Our products and services include bathtubs, bbb, drain cleaning, drain repair, drains, emergency service, floods - clean up, maintenance, no extra charge for saturday & sunday, our work is priced right, valued right, done right, phones answered 24 hours 7 days, please mention verizon ad for discount, please mention yellow book ad for discount, plumbing repairs, professional sewer & drain cleaning, quick response, repairs, sewer drains, sewer repair, sewer systems, sewers, sinks, tubs, showers, showers toilets,, sinks, special care is always taken to protect your home, thaw frozen pipes, toilet repair, toilets and tv pipe inspections. We specialize in flooding, showers, toilets and tubs. Accepted forms of payment are american express, mastercard and visa. Our certifications include bonded, insured and licensed. Emergency services emergency service.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 432-8400

Visit Website: www.root-a-way.com

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