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Yellow Pages » Hospital Equipment » East Northport Yellow Pages » Respiratory Medical Supply Corporation


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Our business hours are 24 hours service. More about us: medicaid and medicare. Our products and services include 02 conservers, 02 sat studies are available, 02 tanks & refills, 02 tanks 7 refills, c-paps, commodes, concentrators, cpar, dependable in home health care service, health care service, hospital beds, hospitals, medicare, nebulizer & oxygen needs, nebulizers, o 2 tanks & refills, o2 sat studies are available, oxygen, refills, suction machines, surgical appliances, tanks, walkers, we accept oxford medicare medicaid & all other insurance, we accept oxford medicare, medicaid & all other ins. and wheelchairs. Accepted forms of payment are medicade, medicare, oxford and we accept oxford medicare medicad & all other insurance. We prefer to use these brands: nebulizers and oxford.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 261-2626

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