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Yellow Pages » Clothing Stores » Ronkonkoma Yellow Pages » Rainbow Apparel

129 Portion Rd
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
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Tel: (631) 467-3770

Appears In:
Clothing Stores

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Ronkonkoma Apparel
Ronkonkoma Clothing Stores

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Our products and services include bags, belts, bracelets, children's, children's & teen clothing, denims, dresses, earrings, eyewear, fashion accessories, heels, jeans, jeans & denims, jewelry, lingerie, necklaces, pants, purses, sandals, shirts, shoes, sunglasses, teen clothing and totes.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 467-3770

Visit Website: www.rainbowshops.com

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 Rainbow Apparel Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Sara H Schwartz from Holtsville, NY on Mar 28, 2014
I always look forward to a shopping trip here. I usually can find everything I'm looking for here for myself and for my daughter without us having to run all around town and shopping at more expensive places. We both love it!
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