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Yellow Pages » Firewood » Kings Park Yellow Pages » Priante Tree Service

140 Old Northport Rd
Kings Park, NY 11754
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Tel: (631) 543-0104

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More about us: member national and cornell co-operative ny. Our products and services include aerial bucket service available, firewood, hemlock & shrub specialists, horticultural organic spray progams for trees & lawns, horticultural organic spray programs for trees & lawns, horticultural organic spray programs for trees & shrubs, ornamental nursery services, stump grinding, topsoil, topsoil and landscape mulch deliveries, tree & shrub pruning, tree & shrub removal, tree spraying, tree work and trimming for sun. Accepted forms of payment are licensed & insured, licensed and insured. Our certifications include ny dec approved and state certified applicator.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 543-0104

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 Priante Tree Service Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Janice E. Dyer from Commack, NY on Dec 2, 2013
We first called them to help us to remove a tree which had fallen in a storm. After that we contracted with them for a few different lawn maintenance tasks, and they did really well with everything we threw at them, so now they work with us regularly. It's great to build a long term relationship with a contractor like this, since usually results are so hit-and-miss otherwise. Very happy with Priante.
5 out of 5 stars Floyd from Saint James, NY on Feb 21, 2013
We love to have a well maintained lawn in front of our offices, and we take extra pride in having all of our hedges nicely trimmed and sculpted. Priante does great work not only in keeping the lawn clear and clean, but also in the aesthetic aspect of the work when it comes to pruning the shrubs and trees into nice shapes. The result is neat and pleasing to the eye, and it definitely makes our office look as professional as possible. First impressions matter, and they happen before a customer even sets foot in the door.
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