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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Locust Valley Yellow Pages » Praver DR. Frances Cohen PHD

5 Marseille Dr
Locust Valley, NY 11560
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Tel: (516) 671-8531

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Locust Valley Mental Health
Locust Valley Health & Medical

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More about us: as a clinical psychologist, relational psychoanlyst, and author my focus is on relationships with your unique self, intimate others, society, and me. our work together in the here-and-now shows how earlier relationships and culture color your world. i work with real life experiences, wishes, and dreams. my goal is to help heal from prior hurt and to empower you to make change. the hope is for greater meaning, purpose, and love. the setting is serene and private. at all times and i provide utmost attention to your needs and desires. i aim to bring out the best in you. We specialize in adolescents, adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adults, anxiety or fears, baby boomer issues, bisexual clients, children (6 to 10), couples therapy, depression, dissociative disorders, divorce, domestic abuse, domestic abuse or violence, domestic violence, eating disorders, gay clients, gay lesbian issues, impulse control disorders, lesbian clients, loss or grief, obsessive-compulsive (ocd), ocd, other, personality disorders, psychosis, ptsd, relationship issues, transsexual clients and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 671-8531

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