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Yellow Pages » Jewelers » Bay Shore Yellow Pages » Piercing Pagoda INC

Sunrise Hwy
Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Tel: (631) 665-0832

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Bay Shore Jewelers

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Our products and services include birthstones, body jewelry, bracelets, charms, diamonds, ear cuffs, ear piercing, ear pin, earrings, gems, gemstones, gift certificates, gold, jewelry, jewelry stores, metals, necklaces, piercing, rings, sanitary service, sterling silver, studs and white gold. We specialize in navels. We prefer to use these brands: piercing pagoda jewelers.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 665-0832

Visit Website: www.pagoda.com

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 Piercing Pagoda INC Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Crystal Bynum from Islip, NY on Sep 12, 2012
While they wouldn't do the piercing that my daughter wanted to get cause it was an unusual ear piercing which went down the ear and used a bar, I was happy with Piercing Pagoda Inc when they did my second ear piercing, it was just a normal one above the one I already had. Staff was friendly and experienced, and the place was clean.
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