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Yellow Pages » Drug Stores » Lynbrook Yellow Pages » Picker Pharmacy INC

18 Atlantic Ave
Lynbrook, NY 11563
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Tel: (516) 599-0079

Appears In:
Drug Stores

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Lynbrook Pharmacies
Lynbrook Drug Stores

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Our business hours are mon-sat. More about us: medicaid and union plans. Our products and services include cash point billing service, fax service, fax services, greeting cards, lottery tickets, metro cards & money orders, minerals, money order, neema pharmacy inc, neema pharmacy inc., notary public, surgical supplies, vitamins, we now accept medicaid hip and all unions, we now accept medicaid, hip and all unions, western union and windmill vitamins. We prefer to use these brands: windmill.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 599-0079

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 Picker Pharmacy INC Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Victor from Valley Stream, NY on Apr 7, 2014
As far as pharmacies go, you are not going to find a more helpful one than this one. The pharmacists and the techs are really great, and they also have a lot of good OTC stuff too.
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