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Yellow Pages » Piano and Organ Dealers » East Hampton Yellow Pages » Piano Barn

11 Jackson St
East Hampton, NY 11937
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Tel: (631) 324-8655

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Piano and Organ Dealers

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East Hampton Piano and Organ Dealers

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Our business hours are 24 hours a day, open saturdays and hours by appointment. More about us: in the hamptons it's... Our products and services include adjustments, adjustments & tuning, buy, buy & sell, buying selling, buying selling & consignments, consignments, moving service, pianos, player pianos, refinishing, rent to own, rentals, restoration, restoration & refinishing, sell, showroom, sound equipment, storage and tuning. Accepted forms of payment are all major cards, all major cards accepted, american express, mastercard and visa. We prefer to use these brands: clark, sons, steinway, steinway & sons, story, story & clark and yamaha.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 324-8655

Visit Website: www.pianobarn.com

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 Piano Barn Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Alfred R from Sag Harbor, NY on May 3, 2014
We bought a truly beautiful piano here in excellent condition. It’s not only gorgeous to look at, but the way it plays … the notes have a really lovely tone to them, and all of us just love it. Shopping here was a pleasure too. The people who work here are very knowledgeable, and were able to answer all our questions about the models we looked at. So happy with our purchase!
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