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Yellow Pages » Wedding Photographers » Huntington Yellow Pages » People & Pets Photography INC

4 Everett Pl
Huntington, NY 11743
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Tel: (631) 793-7863

Appears In:
Wedding Photographers

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Huntington Photography
Huntington Wedding Photographers

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Our products and services include black & white photography, by appointment, calendars, coffee mugs, color photography, custom contractor work, custom photography packages, design services, developing, digital archiving, digital photography, enlargements, equestrian photography, flat rates, gift certificates, holiday cards, location photography, maternity portraits, mouse pads, murals, newborn photography, note cards, pet portraits, photo albums, pop art images, pregnancy photography, reproductions, sepia tones, special effects, special events, t-shirts, wedding albums and weddings. We specialize in children's and pet photogrpahy. Accepted forms of payment are cash, money orders and personal checks. We offer service in and around residential and commercial. Business ownership? female owned.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 793-7863

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 People & Pets Photography INC Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Eric A Moser from East Northport, NY on Sep 2, 2013
We love our pooch like a member of the family, and we wanted to have some really nice, professionally done photos of him to put on our walls and send out to family members with our Christmas letter (which we always write from our dog's point of view). We took him here and they did some really amazing shots for us. I was so impressed with how well they worked with him. I can tell they really know and love animals. That as much as their skill with taking pictures is certainly why they came out so nicely!
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