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Yellow Pages » Religious and Spiritual Goods » Southampton Yellow Pages » Patrick Baker & Sons INC

PO Box 1028
Southampton, NY 11969
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Tel: (212) 813-2065

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Religious and Spiritual Goods

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Southampton Religious and Spiritual Goods

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Our business hours are mon-sat. More about us: new englands largest religious gift center, bible, missals, crucifixes, statues, candles, jewelry, greeting cards,, books, pictures, plaques, large selection of confirmation & communion, supplies, veils, rosary beads, irish jewelry, candle supplies, gifts and music and see our c. Our products and services include bibles & rosaries, candle supplies, chalices, clergy apparel, communion items, community services, gifts for every age, memorial gifts, religious supplies & church goods, respectfully serving all denominations, same day & next day delivery available, see our coupon, statues & crucifixes and vestments.

Hours: For hours, call (212) 813-2065

Visit Website: www.patrickbaker.com

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