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Yellow Pages » Chinese Food » Franklin Square Yellow Pages » Panda Chinese Restaurant

673 Franklin Ave
Franklin Square, NY 11010
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Tel: (516) 825-5556

Appears In:
Chinese Food

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Franklin Square Chinese Food

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Our products and services include chinese food, drinks, food, fruits, meats, soups & salads and vegetables.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 825-5556

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 Panda Chinese Restaurant Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Pat Campbell from Floral Park, NY on Mar 16, 2013
I've seen really mixed reviews for this restaurant, probably cause it's something of a mixed bag. So first things first ... this is not gourmet Chinese food by any stretch of the imagination, so don't go expecting it. But ... it is still pretty tasty. And it doesn't get me sick, and a lot of Chinese food doesn't really settle well in my tummy cause I have IBS and greasy oils are a no-no for me.

The food is amazingly cheap. And you get a TON of it when you order! You can never complain about portion sizes at Panda Chinese Restaurant. And their delivery services are lightning fast!

Don't mix this place up with Panda the fast food chain. Ugh I hate them. This is NOT that place. So if you hate Panda fast food, don't avoid this restaurant just cause of the name. It is a coincidence only. This is a local restaurant.
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